Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The REAL New Hampshire Primary Story: A Democratic BLOWOUT!!!

282,334 votes went to Democrats, 233,380 to Republicans; a 49,000 vote plurality in a state that has traditionally been a conservative Republican stronghold.
In the 2000 New Hampshire primary, 236,802 Republican votes were cast as compared to only 147,798 Democratic votes.
Not only did the GOP lose votes overall from 2000 to 2008, the Democratic party gained 135,000 votes, nearly doubling the number of New Hampshirites who voted for a Democratic candidate eight years ago.
Look at it another way: In 2000, 384,600 citizens voted in the New Hampshire primary. In 2008, 515,714 voted. That's a gain of 131,114. And virtually all of them voted Democratic.
I'd say this is significant. Have you heard this reported in the "left-wing" media? Send this to all your friends, and let's all e-mail CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, the New York Times, Washington Post, etc., and ask why -- with all their "horse race" angles -- they've ignored this significant story.

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