Tuesday, February 01, 2005

"Freedom, Liberty, Democracy" : A Neo-con's Perspective

The Ruthless Party:

From the Weekly Standard, unofficial House Organ of the Project for a New American Century (both headed up by William Kristol), a glimpse at what "democracy, "freedom of conscience," and "freedom of speech" mean to the right-wing in America(all emphases mine):

"The media tolerate or even encourage Democratic rage. But the White House can't afford to. Senate Democrats have enough votes to block major Bush initiatives like Social Security reform and to reject Bush appointees, including Supreme Court nominees. They may be suicidal, but they could undermine the president's entire second term agenda. At his news conference last week, Bush reacted calmly to their vitriolic attacks, suggesting only a few Democrats are involved. Stronger countermeasures will be needed, including an unequivocal White House response to obstructionism, curbs on filibusters, and a clear delineation of what's permissible and what's out of bounds in dissent on Iraq. Too much is at stake to wait for another Democratic defeat in 2006."

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