Monday, January 08, 2007

Quote of the Week

....Dedicated once again to my two favorite "commentators" of no consequence or significance. You know who you are. This one from a true American, both Republican and progressive:

To sit home, read one's favorite paper, and scoff at the misdeeds of the men who do things is easy, but it is markedly ineffective. It is what evil men count upon the good men's doing. -- Theodore Roosevelt


Anonymous said...

Your replies on Defending the Red Flag are utterly hilarious and ever so delicious. You have truly been bated into Mr Ubin's trap.

Be it known that true Socialists (of the Kim Jong Il type) consider your silly propaganda barely beLIEvable. Perhaps you should take lessons in it from the masterful Kim Jong Il, Lodestar of the 21st Century, our Shining Sun over the World, Magnanimous and Dear Leader and Savior to all Mankind.

PS: how dare you insult Mr Ubin's English? I bet his English is better than your Korean! Your lack of Korean language skills while insulting those who can speak it AND English is evidence of your lacking in culture and sophistication.

Peter K Fallon, Ph.D. said...

Your replies on Defending the Red Flag are utterly hilarious and ever so delicious. You have truly been bated into Mr Ubin's trap.


Great. Another illiterate. And this one posting from Romania. Could it be the infamous Sum Goon him (or her) self? I have seen your (so-called) "writing" style before, and I'm pretty sure it's you, Mr. Goon.

Nice try with the artificially and transparently exaggerated florid language. You are truly another person who wants to sound like s/he's intelligent, but knows that s/he's not.

Did you mean that I have been "baited?" It occurred to me that you might have meant "bated", because Urban Skam is (as you are) a master bater. But you really should learn to spell the English langauge (British English doesn't count) if you intend to post in English. Unless it is your intention to look like a complete fool and utter ass (a possibility which, on evidence, I can't rule out) such verbal ambiguities hide your true meaning and thwart true communication.

Ah. But that is your intention, isn't it?

Now, then....there's your mangling of the idiom "baiting a trap." I believe you meant to say that Skam was baiting me (intentionally making me angry by doing annoying things). Or perhaps I have become bait? For what predator? Certainly not the likes of you or the imbeciles who read your (so-called) "blogs" (Pheh!!!).

If I have put myself into some danger challenging Mr. Urban Skam as you suggest, well, I guess I'll just have to live with that. I must say I've felt crossing a Dublin street to be far more dangerous.

PS: how dare you insult Mr Ubin's English? I bet his English is better than your Korean! Your lack of Korean language skills while insulting those who can speak it AND English is evidence of your lacking in culture and sophistication.

LOL!!! How dare I insult (so-called) "Mr." Skam's English? I dare so because his English is atrocious. He spells like a five-year-old, as you do. He writes like an illiterate, as you do. Worst of all, however, is his (so-called) thinking. He thinks as an adolescent does, as you do. He has nothing important or serious to say, as you do. He is engaged, as you are, in an on-going act of mental masturbation, trying desperately to "get yourself off" by getting attention, and doing nothing really useful or meaningful in the attempt.

You are both a waste of precious human resources, like oxygen and water.

And the TRUTH is an insult only to those the truth exposes. You crave self-respect, and you don't deserve it. So you don't have any. And you lash out about -- what? The fact that I am telling the TRUTH about your atrocious language skills? Sorry, Mr. Goon. Learn English if you want to post in English in any sort of way that does not earn the ridicule of others.

As for me, you are right. I do not speak Korean. Why should I? So I can converse with the likes of you? If you choose to take this as a lack of culturte and sophistication, fine. Personally, I think the English, Irish, German, and Polish languages (with a bare minimum of French thrown in) are sufficient for me to be familiar.

And by the way, while I read --and speak at varying levels of fluency -- those languages, I have enough respect for both the languages and the ideas I want to express to know NOT to try to post in them.

You have no respect for "culture." You have no respect for ideas. You have no respect for, or acuity in, rhetoric. You have no respect for the forensic process of debate. You ultimately have no confidence in either your (so-called) ideas, or your ability to express them because you are utterly lacking in self-respect.

All you are good at is mental masturbation. You are pathetic. I feel sorrow for you, but not sympathy. You can change yourself, you can educate yourself, most importantly, you can come out of the shadows of anonymity and identify yourself, and stop being a cowardly child.

But you won't. Please remove the link to IN THE DARK.

Have a nice day!!!