Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Iraq Roundup

The day after the Governor of Baghdad was killed by insurgent gunmen, Tony Blair remains committed to the January 30 election, even though Sunni Muslims are unlikely to vote, a major party has withdrawn from the process, and Sunni extremists are threatening to kill anyone who does vote. Iraq's President, Sheik Ghazi al Yawir, appears ambivalent about the prospects for the election. Scores of people have been killed in the last several days, and the insurgency seems to be on the offensive to force the interim government to scuttle the elections.

Falluja? Christopher Allbritton reports on noises that a major offensive on Mosul is in the works. Chinese news sources agree (although they appear to have been wrong in the past). US authorities say insurgents have been operating with impunity there since before the mess hall tent bombing.

Prepare yourself. It's going to be an interesting few weeks.

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