Monday, January 17, 2005

Iraq War May Incite Terror, CIA Study Says

While I was away, the search for WMDs in Iraq ended. As expected, none were found. We have heard, in the last year, hundreds of rationales (acknowledging the non-existence of WMDs) for our invasion and occupation of Iraq, many if not most of which the American people have aparently accepted.

Meanwhile, 1368 American GIs have died and 10,371 have been wounded in a war which we sent them fight to depose a tyrant who aided and abetted terrorists and harbored weapons of mass destruction. Both of these rationales have proven to be untrue. Yet when other rationales are suggested (oil, global domination, the visions of the Project for a New American Century), they are roundly ignored in the mainstream media.

What has this all gotten us, at such a terrible cost? A destabilized middle-east, a growing threat of terror, an emboldened and revitalized terror network, and a global recruitment campaign for al Qa'ida.

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