Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Police--stay in your own lane

People are acting crazy again. This time, in Jaffrey, N.H.

A police officer in Jaffrey thinks he works for the feds.

According to the July 13 New York Times, in April, a Mexican illegal immigrant, Jorge Mora Ramirez, stopped his car to make a phone call and an officer charged him with criminal trespassing and held him for one night. Apparently, the officer tried to get federal officers to arrest him but they didn't consider the immigrant a priority so the police decided to take matters into their own hands and arrest this 21-year-old Mexican.

The case went to court on Tuesday. And the Mexican government is paying for Ramirez's lawyers.

One defense lawyer, Randall Drew, said: "What the state is attempting to do here it so step into the federal government's shoes and determine whether a person is licensed or able to remain in the United States."

The prosecutor, Nicole Morse, said: "Just as with a sex offender, the hope is that they will go and register with the state. And if they don't, then they are violating the law. Indeed, the state's interest in this case is security. Being able to identify people who are in our community is essential to the police being able to maintain and keep the peace."

Comeon lady. The Mexican was making a phone call on the side of the road that day in April. He's not a terrorist--he's a construction worker. And he wasn't trespassing on private property (which is what the law refers to)--he was making a phone call.

But police are going to do what they want to do. But still, someone needs to remind them to stay on their own turf.

1 comment:

Agi said...

If Bush gets the Supreme Court he wants, then cops across this country will be able to take the law into their own hands and citizens will have little or no legal recourse. It will be like the 1800's and the Wild West, where the marshall is the law.