Tuesday, June 07, 2005

"Mandate" Reality Check, Part III

Post-ABC Poll: Bush Ignoring Public Concerns

For earlier polls, see here and here.

Far from supporting the specious proposition that Bush enjoys a "mandate" in his second term, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll indicates that Americans are having second thoughts about Bush's "leadership," and believe that he is motivated by something other than the public's interest.

According to the poll, nearly eight in 10 Democrats say Bush is not concentrating on issues they personally view as vital while three out of four Republicans disagree.

Ominously for Bush and the Republicans, a strong majority of self-described political independents--68 percent--say they disagreed with the president's priorities. That suggests Bush's mixed record in the second term on issues the public views as critical--particularly on Iraq and the economy--may be as much a liability for GOP candidates in next year's mid-term election as his performance in his first term was an asset to Republican congressional hopefuls last year and in 2002.

Can you say "lame duck?"
Currently 52 percent of the public disapproves of the job Bush is doing as president, the highest negative rating of his performance since taking office.

Listen: let's just impeach him now and get it over with.

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