Monday, October 24, 2005

America : Take Congress From the GOP

Election 2006

New polls show GOP control of Congress is in jeopardy. Whether it is because of their complicity in the Iraq war, their extremist positions on questions of "values," the various corruption scandals, or the over-all direction of the country, it looks more and more as though Republicans will--at the very least--lose control of the House of Representatives and, perhaps, the Senate.

According to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll [Oct. 13-16, 2005], 45% of Americans polled believe the US would be better off if Congress were controlled by Democrats, 32% by Republicans. Both parties take note: 12% said the US would be better off if Congress were controlled by neither party.

A Diageo/Hotline Poll conducted by Financial Dynamics [Oct. 12-16, 2005] showed Democrats favored over the GOP by 38%-30%. In this poll, 22% said Congress should be controlled by neither party. However, in answering the question, "if the election for U.S. Congress were held today, would you be voting for the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate in your district where you live?" 40% said they would vote for the Democratic candidate, compared with 31% for the Republican. Only 10% said they would vote for neither party's candidate.

And an NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll [Oct. 8-10, 2005] indicates that Democratic control of Congress is preferred by Americans over GOP control by 48%-39%.

And what happens when control of Congress shifts to the Democratic party? The answer is here.

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