Friday, October 14, 2005

Without U.S., 'Iraq's Military Would Be Easily Overwhelmed'

Without U.S., 'Iraq's Military Would Be Easily Overwhelmed'

During Bush's heavily choreographed Kabuki dance with US GIs in Iraq, we heard about how ready the Iraqi security forces are to fight.

Capt. Brent Kennedy of the Army's 42nd Infantry Division said U.S. and Iraqi forces were working together to secure more than 1,250 polling places for Saturday's vote. "We're working right alongside with the Iraqis as they lead the way in securing these sites," Kennedy said.

Sgt. Corine Lombardo of Scotia, N.Y., told Bush that Iraqi forces had shown significant improvement over the last 10 months. "Since we began our partnership, they have improved greatly," Lombardo said.Added 1st Lt. Gregg A. Murphy of Tennessee: "The important thing here is that the Iraqi army and the Iraqi security forces, they're ready, and they're committed. They're going to make this thing happen."
Yet an Iraqi newspaper sees things differently.

The meeting [Iraqi Defense Conference] comes amid reports that most of the country’s estimated 190,000 men under arms are unfit to fight. Without direct U.S. involvement, Iraq’s military would easily be overwhelmed by anti-government forces.
Still, Howie and his right-wing friends travel along in their delusional way, spinning their little "American century" myths, oblivious to reality. One of those myths, by the way, is about how US fighting men and women are firecely loyal to George W. Bush. So, how did they feel about acting as his shadow puppets?
"Officers are upset that military people would be coached as to how to talk to the president," said a senior military official who spoke on condition of anonymity. "It's against everything that people in uniform stand for."


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